Thursday, April 15, 2010


I'm in a serious longing state right now... longing for community, for home, for partnership, for true friendship, for peace/wholeness, for connection, for looking into eyes that I say "I know you", for nature's embrace... many things which seem just out of my grasp at the moment.

I feel it's important to find a balance between recognizing the longing- living in it, loving/embracing it, and then working to make it come together. Ebb and flow... perhaps it's all one and the same. Different sides of the same coin. Different views of the same glorious mountain. Without all the views, all the perspectives, we wouldn't have a whole.

But how do I settle in the balance?

Desert Rainbow, all part of the oneness:

1 comment:

Sari said...

I just read the past few entries (the last one I saw was about the wedding). In lieu of writing a novel here, suffice it to say: gam ani, gam ani.

We will speak soon. Shabbat shalom (you're well underway already, I know). I'll be thinking of you tonight when I'm singing at Romemu, and tomorrow as I leave NY... also on a Saturday.

Sending love...